Scope of annex

Type of link Frequency Range Range code Technical information Background information
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 174-216 MHz A2 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 [5] Shared use. ETSI EN 300 422 [8].
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 470-694 MHz A3 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Currently a core band for professional PMSE use. Shared use. ETSI EN 300 422.
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 733-757.5 MHz A4 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Availability is dependent on national decisions (see ECC Decision (15)01 [7] and ECC Decision (16)02 [22]). Shared use. ETSI EN 300 422.
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 821.5-832 MHz A5 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Risk of out of band emissions from adjacent mobile services means there is limited utility for broadcast quality audio. Harmonised within EU member states, Decision 2014/641/EU [9]. ETSI EN 300 422.
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 863-865 MHz A6 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Risk of out of band emissions from adjacent mobile services and other short range devices means there is very limited utility for broadcast quality audio. Shared use. Note 1. Harmonised within EU member states, Decision 2006/771/EC [10] as amended. ETSI EN 300 422 and ETSI EN 301 357 [11].
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 1350-1400 MHz A7 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Shared use. See ECC Report 245 [20]. ETSI EN 300 422.
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 1518-1525 MHz A8 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Shared use. See ECC Report 253 [19]. ETSI EN 300 422.
Radio microphones and In-ear monitors 1785-1805 MHz A9 ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Harmonised within EU member states, Decision 2014/641/EU. ETSI EN 300 422.
Portable audio links, Mobile audio links and Temporary point-to-point audio links (Note 2), Talkback and Production communications (Note 3) 174-216 MHz (Audio links) B1 ERC Report 42 [4] Shared use. ETSI EN 300 454 [13].
Portable audio links, Mobile audio links and Temporary point-to-point audio links (Note 2), Talkback and production communications (Note 3) 470-694 MHz (Audio links) B2 ERC Report 42 Shared use. ETSI EN 300 422 and ETSI EN 300 454.

Note 1: The band 863-865 MHz is available for radio microphones, however due note should be taken that it is used also for non-professional and consumer radio applications (cordless audio, etc.).

Note 2: Depending on application scenario, channel width and required transmitter power, the portable, mobile and temporary point-to-point audio links may be accommodated either in the frequency bands 174-216 MHz and 470-694 MHz identified for professional radio microphones (typically for low power/wideband applications) or in other VHF/UHF bands, including Private Mobile Radio (PMR) bands (typically for high power/narrowband applications).

Note 3: According to the definitions in Annex 1, these applications are service links that operate in the audio PMSE bands.