Implementation statusFrequency Band | Country | Implementation | Remark |
C1 2010-2025 MHz | ALB | N? | |
AND | N? | ||
AUT | Y* | According to EC Decision 2016/339 | |
AZE | Y* | On a secondary basis | |
BEL | Y* | ||
BIH | N? | Band not available: UMTS use | |
BUL | Y? | EC Decision 2016/339/EU | |
CYP | Y* | ||
CZE | Y* | Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Part PV-P/6/06.2021-6 | |
D | Y*! | Basic parameters: max. radiated power: cordless cameras: -7 dBW e.i.r.p.; portable video links: 16 dBW; mobile video links: 10 dBW; primary users need to be protected. Detailed information: ->VVnömL | |
DNK | Y* | ||
E | Y? | PMSE video. According to Decision (EU) 2016/339 | |
EST | Y* | 2016/339/EU; max. 10 dBW e.i.r.p. for mobile video links, max. 16 dBW e.i.r.p. for handheld video links, max. -7 dBW for cordless camera. See Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 01.12.2009 No 118. | |
F | Y* | Temporary licenses. Wireless camera e.i.r.p. max = -7 dBW Video link e.i.r.p. max = 10 to 16 dBW ARCEP Decision 2016-1130 | |
FIN | Y* | Cordless cameras. Standard EN 302064. European Commission Decision 2016/339/EU | |
G | Y*! | EC Decision (EU) 2016/339 and ECC Report 219. Technology and application neutral but typically used for wireless camera/video links. Maximum in-band e.r.p. 20 dBW (13 dBW airborne) for wireless camera/video links. Cameras typically licensed at 100 mW e.r.p. | |
GEO | L* | ||
GRC | Y* | Cordless Cameras. Portable/Mobile video links. Individual license required | |
HNG | N? | Will be implemented in 2017 | |
HOL | Y* | For ENG-OB only | |
HRV | N? | ||
I | N? | ||
IRL | Y* | Maximum channel bandwidth of 10 MHz for non-HD applications. Maximum channel bandwidth for HD applications may be greater than 10 MHz, and could extend up to 20 MHz (taking into account the entire band 2010-2110 MHz). Centre frequencies: 2010 MHz, 2020 MHz. A maximum permissible e.r.p. as detailed below is applicable for the following systems: Wireless camera: 0.122W, Portable video link: 24.3W, Mobile video link: 6.1W | |
ISL | Y* | ||
LIE | Y* | Available band: 1980-2025 MHz. The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: | |
LTU | Y* | individual licence required | |
LUX | L* | ||
LVA | Y* | ||
MDA | Y? | ||
MKD | N? | ||
MLT | Y* | Conditions as per EU Decision 2016/339 | |
MNE | L? | ||
NOR | Y* | ||
POL | Y? | According to the Ordinance of Minister competent for digitization concerning transmitters and transceivers which may be used with licence exempt, if the requirements of the DECISION 2016/339/EU of 8 March 2016, are met. | |
POR | N? | Generally not available. Available on a temporary basis only | |
ROU | Y*! | ||
S | Y* | ||
SRB | N? | ||
SUI | Y* | Available band: 1980-2025 MHz. The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: | |
SVK | Y*! | Conditions for the use of frequencies are stipulated in the individual authorization | |
SVN | Y*! | EU DEC 2016/339 | |
TUR | N? | Band not available: planned for other services | |
UKR | Y* | ||
C2 2025-2110 MHz | ALB | Y* | |
AND | Y* | ||
AUT | L*! | Max. 10MHz Channels; max. 20dBm eirp; Different parts are restricted to different user groups | |
AZE | Y* | On a secondary basis | |
BEL | Y* | ||
BIH | L? | PBS old MW link systems for PMSE. Military use in 2025-2110 MHz | |
BUL | Y? | ECC Report 219. Available for Cordless Cameras, Portable video links and Mobile video links | |
CYP | Y* | ||
CZE | L*! | Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Part PV-P/6/06.2021-6 The band may be used after the coordination. | |
D | N? | Frequency usages that are applied for as short-term use do not always conform with the provisions of the Frequency Plan. Where frequency demand is required at short notice, deviations from the frequency specifications in the Frequency Plan are permitted for a limited time in accordance with section 97 TKG. This is provided that the frequency usages indicated in the National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP) or the Frequency Plan are not adversely affected. (for more details see: | |
DNK | Y* | ||
E | N? | Band not available | |
EST | L* | 2075.25-2110 MHz SAP/SAB. See Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. Otherwise governmental use. | |
F | L*! | Temporary licenses, e.i.r.p. max = 10 dBW. Use of 10 MHz bandwidth centered on 2055 MHz and 2095 MHz for ground-to-ground link and 10 MHz bandwidth centered on 2065 MHz and 2105 MHz for air-to-ground link. Coordination required between assigning authorities (la Défense and Space) regarding the use of the other available bands in order to avoid harmful interference. ARCEP Decision 2016-1130 | |
FIN | L*! | Cordless cameras, temporary use on a case-by-case basis. Standard EN 302064. Other use includes military use and space operation | |
G | Y*! | Technology and application neutral but typically used for wireless cameras, typically licensed at 100 mW e.r.p. | |
GEO | L* | ||
GRC | L*! | Cordless Cameras. Portable/Mobile video links. 2087.5- 2108.5 MHz : not available (exclusive use by security services) | |
HNG | N? | Band not available (governmental use). However, the band may be used for short-term PMSE use if the user demand makes it necessary at certain occasions like main events. In this case the authority handles the requests on a case-by-case basis and if the frequency use can be authorised the users receive an individual license | |
HOL | L* | 2070-2110 MHz for ENG-OB only | |
HRV | N? | ||
I | L* | 2040-2110 MHz | |
IRL | Y*! | Maximum Permissible e.r.p. of 1W. Maximum channel bandwidth of 10 MHz. Maximum channel bandwidth for HD applications may be greater than 10 MHz, and could extend up to 20 MHz (taking into account the entire band 2010 - 2110 MHz). Airborne use not permitted | |
ISL | L* | Band used for FX primary. Few video PMSE licensed today in this band in a specified area | |
LIE | Y* | Available band: 2025-2110 MHz. The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . | |
LTU | Y* | individual licence required | |
LUX | N? | ||
LVA | Y* | ||
MDA | Y? | ||
MKD | Y* | ||
MLT | Y* | Technical conditions are established at the licence application stage | |
MNE | L* | ||
NOR | L* | not available 2090-2100 MHz | |
POL | L*! | Granting a license in range 2070-2110 MHz requires military approval. The range 2025-2070 MHz is only in military usage | |
POR | N? | Generally not available. Available on a temporary basis only | |
ROU | L*! | Civil use above 2059.5 MHz; below 2059.5 MHz there is shared use with defense systems | |
S | L* | 2 025 - 2 045.5 MHz and 2 094.5 - 2 110 MHz | |
SRB | Y* | ||
SUI | Y* | Available band: 2025-2110 MHz. The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: | |
SVK | N? | Frequency band is used by others applications or services | |
SVN | L*! | Available for PMSE: 2070-2110 MHz civil/military sharing. Not available: 2025-2070 MHz (military use) | |
TUR | N? | Band not available: planned for other services | |
UKR | Y* | ||
C3 2200-2300 MHz | ALB | L* | 2200-2290 MHz |
AND | Y* | ||
AUT | L*! | Max. 20MHz Channels; max. 35dBm eirp; Different parts are restricted to different user groups | |
AZE | L*! | Different parts are restricted | |
BEL | Y* | ||
BIH | L? | Only parts are available. Military use in 2200-2245 MHz. 2245-2290 MHz PBS old MW link systems for PMSE, band not allocated to any similar application in 2290-2300 MHz | |
BUL | N? | ||
CYP | Y* | ||
CZE | L* | Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Part PV-P/14/03.2021-1: Available band 2252–2300 MHz for temporary use. | |
D | N? | Frequency usages that are applied for as short-term use do not always conform with the provisions of the Frequency Plan. Where frequency demand is required at short notice, deviations from the frequency specifications in the Frequency Plan are permitted for a limited time in accordance with section 97 TKG. This is provided that the frequency usages indicated in the National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP) or the Frequency Plan are not adversely affected. (for more details see: | |
DNK | L* | 2200-2290 MHz only | |
E | N? | Band not available | |
EST | L* | 2245-2300 MHz SAP/SAB. See Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. Otherwise governmental use. | |
F | L*! | Temporary licenses. Use of 10 MHz bandwidth centred on 2295 MHz for ground-to-ground link. Coordination required between assigning authorities (la Défense and Space) regarding the use of the other available bands in order to avoid harmful interference. ARCEP Decision 2016-1130 | |
FIN | L*! | Cordless cameras, temporary use on a case-by-case basis. Standard EN 302064. Other use includes military use and space operation | |
G | Y*! | Technology and application neutral but typically used for wireless cameras, typically licensed at 100 mW e.r.p. | |
GEO | L* | ||
GRC | L*! | Cordless Cameras. Portable/Mobile video links. 2262.5-2283.5 MHz: not available (exclusive use by security services) | |
HNG | N? | Band not available (governmental use, lack of significant interest). However, the band may be used for short-term PMSE use if the user demand makes it necessary at certain occasions like main events. In this case the authority handles the requests on a case-by-case basis and if the frequency use can be authorised the users receive an individual license | |
HOL | L* | 2245-2300 MHz for ENG-OB only | |
HRV | L* | 2245-2300 MHz | |
I | L* | 2215-2300 MHz | |
IRL | Y*! | Centre Frequencies: 2205 MHz, 2215 MHz, 2225 MHz, 2235 MHz, 2245 MHz, 2255 MHz, 2265 MHz, 2275 MHz, 2285 MHz, 2295 MHz. Airborne use is only permitted at the following centre frequencies: 2285 MHz and 2295 MHz. Geographic limitations have been set where some centre frequencies are not available for licensing in certain listed geographic areas. Maximum permissible e.r.p.'s: Centre frequencies 2205–2275 MHz: 1W. Centre frequencies 2285, 2295 MHz: 5W | |
ISL | L* | Band used for FX primary. Few video PMSE licensed today in this band in a specified area | |
LIE | Y* | The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . | |
LTU | Y* | individual licence required | |
LUX | L* | 2245-2290 MHz | |
LVA | L* | Frequency Band: 2200-2290 MHz | |
MDA | Y? | 2200-2290 MHz | |
MKD | Y* | ||
MLT | Y* | Technical conditions are established at the licence application stage | |
MNE | L* | 2200-2290 MHz | |
NOR | L* | not available 2290-2300 MHz | |
POL | L*! | Granting a license in range 2250-2300 MHz requires military approval. The range 2250-2300 MHz is only in military usage | |
POR | Y* | License always required | |
ROU | L*! | Civil use above 2234.5 MHz; below 2234.5 MHz there is shared use with defense systems | |
S | L* | 2200-2290 MHz | |
SRB | L* | 2200-2290 MHz | |
SUI | Y* | The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . (Additional indoor use possible in 2170-2200 MHz.) | |
SVK | N? | Frequency band is used by others applications or services | |
SVN | L*! | Available for PMSE: 2255-2290 MHz civil/military sharing, 2290-2300 MHz civil use. Not available: 2200-2255 MHz (military use) | |
TUR | L*! | Depend on the conditions in the application form. 2200-2290 MHz not available: assigned to another service nationwide | |
UKR | L* | 2200-2290 MHz | |
C4 2300-2400 MHz | ALB | Y* | |
AND | Y* | ||
AUT | Y*! | Max. 20MHz Channels; max. 35dBm eirp; Different parts are restricted to different user groups | |
AZE | L*! | Different parts are restricted | |
BEL | L* | ||
BIH | Y? | SAP/SAB and ENG/OB as per ERC/REC 25-10, some MW links from PBS old system also exist | |
BUL | Y? | ECC Report 219. Available for Cordless Cameras, Portable video links and Mobile video links | |
CYP | Y* | ||
CZE | Y* | Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Part PV-P/14/03.2021-1: Available band 2300–2412 MHz | |
D | L*! | Basic parameters: frequency ranges: 2320-2350 MHz and 2384-2400 MHz; max. channel bandwidth: 20 MHz; max. transmission power: 20 W e.i.r.p.; max. radiated power: 500 W e.i.r.p. Restrictions may apply for the protection of primary users (i.a. military applications). Detailed information: ->VVnömL | |
DNK | N? | Band not available, subject to ECC/DEC/(14)02 | |
E | L! | In accordance with NTAF note UN-50, the range 2304.5-2368.5 MHz is available for ENG | |
EST | L* | 2390-2400 MHz SAP/SAB. See Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. | |
F | L*! | Temporary licenses. Use of 10 MHz bandwidth centered on 2305 MHz. Coordination required between assigning authorities (la Défense and Space) regarding the use of the other available bands in order to avoid harmful interference. ARCEP Decision 2016-1130 | |
FIN | L*! | Cordless cameras and ENG links. Channel spacing max. 20 MHz. In the frequency band 2300–2320 MHz the channels are assigned on a case-by-case basis. The frequency band 2320–2400 MHz is in common use for cordless cameras and ENG links subject to licence. Standard EN 300 638. Standard EN 300 744. ERC Recommendation ERC/REC 25-10 | |
G | L*! | Only 2390-2400 MHz available for PMSE. Technology and application neutral but typically used for wireless camera/video links. Maximum in-band e.r.p. 20 dBW (13 dBW airborne) for wireless camera/video links. Cameras typically licensed at 100 mW e.r.p. | |
GEO | L* | ||
GRC | Y* | Cordless Cameras. Portable/Mobile video links. Temporary point-to-point video link | |
HNG | N? | Band not available (governmental use, LSA use under investigation). However, the band may be used for short-term PMSE use if the user demand makes it necessary at certain occasions like main events. In this case the authority handles the requests on a case-by-case basis and if the frequency use can be authorised the users receive an individual license | |
HOL | Y* | ||
HRV | Y* | ||
I | Y* | ||
IRL | N? | ||
ISL | L* | MFCN in near future is possible | |
LIE | Y* | The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . | |
LTU | Y* | individual licence required | |
LUX | L* | 2335 - 2395 MHz | |
LVA | L* | Frequency Band: 2370–2400 MHz | |
MDA | Y? | ||
MKD | Y* | ||
MLT | L* | Band only available for Temporary licenced video PMSE applications. | |
MNE | L* | ||
NOR | Y* | Band under evaluation for MFCN use. | |
POL | L*! | The range 2350-2400 is available. Granting a license in range 2300-2350 MHz requires military approval. Availability for PMSE will depend on the result of the harmonization work carried out in the CEPT under the EC mandate | |
POR | Y* | License always required | |
ROU | L*! | Civil use up to 2335 MHz; above 2335 MHz there is shared use with defense systems | |
S | L* | 2 380 - 2 400 MHz | |
SRB | Y* | ||
SUI | Y* | The use of these frequency bands for cordless cameras is on a short-term basis; OBW max. 20 MHz is possible and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: | |
SVK | Y*! | Conditions for the use of frequencies are stipulated in the individual authorization | |
SVN | L*! | For temporary usage in non-assigned bands. Band 2320-2390 MHz is alreadly assigned to mobile operators (Feb 2023). | |
TUR | L*! | Depend on the conditions in the application form. Nationwide frequency assignments to other use in this band | |
UKR | Y* | ||
C5 2400-2500 MHz | ALB | Y* | |
AND | Y* | ||
AUT | Y? | According to sub-class 21 | |
AZE | L*! | Different parts are restricted | |
BEL | L* | Except WiFi band | |
BIH | L* | SAP/SAB licensed only in 2483.5-2500 MHz. Band 2400-2483.5 MHz used for Wideband data transmission and other SRD as per ERC/REC 70-03 | |
CYP | Y* | ||
CZE | L* | Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Part PV-P/14/03.2021-1: Available band 2300–2412 MHz | |
D | Y* | Basic parameters: frequency range: 2400-2483.5 MHz; max. channel bandwidth: 20 MHz; max. transmission power: 20 W e.i.r.p.; max. radiated power: 500 W e.i.r.p. Detailed information: ->VVnömL | |
DNK | N? | Band not available | |
E | L! | In accordance with NTAF note UN-50, the range 2400.5-2480.5 MHz is available for ENG | |
EST | N? | Governmental use, SRD; see Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. | |
F | L*! | Temporary licenses. Use of 10 MHz bandwidth centered on 2465 MHz and 2475 MHz for ground-to-ground and air-to ground links with geographical restrictions. Coordination required between assigning authorities (la Défense and Space) regarding the use of the other available bands in order to avoid harmful interference. ARCEP Decision 2016-1130 | |
FIN | N? | Band not available. However, PMSE can be used accordingly: 2400.000–2483.500 MHz WAS/RLAN Equipment exempt from licensing. See TRAFICOM Regulation 15. Effective radiated power max. 100 mW e.i.r.p. Standard EN 300 328-1. SRD Recommendation ERC/REC/70-03. European Commission Decision 2006/771/EC, the valid technical Annex is Decision 2013/752/EU. Band 2483.5–2500 MHz not available because of Mobile satellite use | |
G | L*! | Technology and application neutral but typically used for wireless camera/video links. Maximum in-band e.r.p. 20 dBW (13 dBW airborne) for wireless camera/video links. Cameras typically licensed at 100 mW e.r.p. | |
GEO | L* | ||
GRC | L* | Availability for PMSE: 2483.5-2500 MHz only. Band 2400-2483.5 MHz not available (identified for SRDs) | |
HNG | N? | Band not available (WiFi based alternatives) | |
HOL | L* | 2400-2495 MHz for ENG-OB only. License exempt in the band 2400-2483.5 MHz for non specific short range devices | |
HRV | L* | 2483.5-2500 MHz | |
I | Y* | ||
IRL | Y! | This is a licence exempt band - Video PMSE applications are permitted to operate in the 2.4 GHz band on a licence exempt basis, provided that their operation is restricted to certain power limits, and is on a non-interference, non-protected basis | |
ISL | L? | In accordance with ERC/REC 70-03 Annex 1 | |
LIE | N? | Band not available: Used by short range devices and MSS services (harmonised band for SRD). | |
LTU | Y* | individual licence required | |
LUX | Y* | ||
LVA | N? | ||
MDA | Y? | ||
MKD | Y* | ||
MLT | N? | ||
MNE | L* | ||
NOR | N? | Not available | |
POL | L? | In range 2400-2483.5 MHz apply subclass 21, 22 and 26 of Class 1 according to the Commission Decision 2000/299/EC. range 2483.5-2500 MHz is only in military usage | |
POR | L* | License always required. Only the frequency band 2483.5-2500 MHz is available | |
ROU | N? | ||
S | L? | The use of 2 400-2 483.5 GHz for videolinks is possible under general authorisations conditions. | |
SRB | Y* | ||
SUI | N? | Band not available: Used by short range devices and MSS services (harmonised band for SRD). | |
SVK | Y*! | Conditions for the use of frequencies are stipulated in the individual authorization | |
SVN | Y* | Possible interferences from license free applications | |
TUR | L*! | Depend on the conditions in the application form | |
UKR | Y* | ||
C6 2700-2900 MHz | ALB | N? | |
AND | N? | ||
AUT | Y*! | Max. 10MHz Channels; max. 33dBm eirp; Different parts are restricted to different user groups compatibility with radar application | |
AZE | N* | Band not available | |
BEL | N? | ||
BIH | N? | Not available: Aeronautical navigation as per ECC/REC/(02)09 | |
CYP | N? | ||
CZE | N? | ||
D | N? | Band not available | |
DNK | N? | Band not available | |
E | N? | Band not available | |
EST | N? | Aeronautical radionavigation, governmental use, ITU RR 4.10 safety aspects of radionavigation. See Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. | |
F | Y*! | Temporary licenses. ARCEP Decision 2016-1130 for ground-to-ground links. Coordination required between assigning authorities (ARCEP,Aviation Civile, la Défense, Météo and Radioastronomie) in order to avoid harmful interference | |
FIN | L*! | Temporary use only on a case-by-case basis. Other use: Aeronautical radiolocation, radars, military use | |
G | N? | Not available | |
GEO | L* | ||
GRC | N? | Band not available (used by civil Aviation Authority and security services) | |
HNG | N? | Band not available (Governmental use; airspace surveillance). Compatibility issues under investigation. However, the band may be used for short-term PMSE use if the user demand makes it necessary at certain occasions like main events. In this case the authority handles the requests on a case-by-case basis and if the frequency use can be authorised the users receive an individual license | |
HOL | N? | Band not available | |
HRV | N? | ||
I | N? | ||
IRL | N? | Band not available (no current demand expressed) | |
ISL | N? | Band not available | |
LIE | N? | Band not available: Used by primary radar. | |
LUX | N? | ||
LVA | N? | ||
MDA | Y? | ||
MKD | N? | ||
MLT | N? | Band not available (in use by other applications) | |
MNE | N? | ||
NOR | N? | Not available | |
POL | N? | Band not available (military usage) | |
POR | N? | Not available | |
ROU | N? | ||
S | N? | ||
SRB | N? | ||
SUI | N? | Band not available: Used by primary radar and defence systems | |
SVK | N? | The Band 2700 - 2900 MHz is used for Primary Radars | |
SVN | N? | ||
TUR | N? | Band not available: planned for other services | |
UKR | N? | ||
C7 7.0-8.5 GHz | ALB | N? | |
AND | N? | ||
AUT | L*! | Useable parts are: 7268-7282 MHz; 7568-7582 MHz; a licence is granted for events only and under the additional condition that FS is protected | |
AZE | L*! | Different parts are restricted | |
BEL | L* | 7000-7125 MHz, 7375-7484 MHz, 7596-7729 MHz, 7841-7900 MHz | |
BIH | N? | Not available: Fixed links as per ECC/REC/(02)06 | |
CYP | N? | ||
CZE | N? | ||
D | N? | Band not available | |
DNK | N? | Not available. Band 7975-8025 MHz: exclusive military use (NJFA) | |
E | N? | Band not available | |
EST | N? | Fixed links, UWB, governmental use; see Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. | |
F | L*! | Temporary licenses. ARCEP Decision 2016-1130 : 10 MHz bandwidth centered on 7115 to 7245 MHz (20 MHz bandwidth could be also used) | |
FIN | L*! | Video links: The frequencies 8225, 8255, 8285 and 8315 MHz are common channels throughout Finland. Receiving satellite earth station in the frequency band 7700–8500 MHz in Sodankylä | |
G | L*! | Technology and application neutral but typically used for cameras and video links in: 7110-7250 MHz (some geographic restrictions apply); 7300-7425 MHz; and 8460-8500 MHz (some geographic restrictions apply) | |
GRC | L* | Bands available for Temporary point-to-point video link : 6425-7110 MHz, 7125-7250 MHz, 7300-7425 MHz. Band 7900-8400 MHz not available (used by security services) | |
HNG | N? | Band not available. However, the band may be used for short-term PMSE use if the user demand makes it necessary at certain occasions like main events. In this case the authority handles the requests on a case-by-case basis and if the frequency use can be authorised the users receive an individual license | |
HOL | L* | 7140-7250 MHz for ENG-OB only | |
HRV | N? | ||
I | L* | up to 7125 MHz | |
IRL | L* | (1) For wireless camera centre frequencies in the range 7100-7120 MHz: Max e.r.p.: 5W, Max channel bandwidth: 10 MHz, up to 20 MHz (for 7100 - 7115 MHz). (2) For wireless camera centre frequencies in the range 7130-7420 MHz: Max e.r.p.: 5W, Max channel bandwidth: 10 MHz. For wireless camera centre frequencies in the range 7135-7415 MHz: Max e.r.p.: 5W, Max channel bandwidth: 20 MHz | |
ISL | L* | This band used for Fixed links. PMSE video links could be permitted | |
LIE | N? | Band not available: Used by fixed services. | |
LTU | Y* | As application of the mobile service individual licence required | |
LUX | N? | ||
LVA | L* | Freqquency Band: 7128 - 7240 MHz; 7282 - 7394 MHZ | |
MDA | Y? | ||
MKD | N? | ||
MLT | Y* | Technical conditions are established at the licence application stage | |
MNE | L? | ||
NOR | L* | ||
POL | L*! | Granting a license requires military approval. ranges 7250-7300, 7925-8025 MHz are only in military usage | |
POR | N? | Not available | |
ROU | N? | ||
S | L* | 7 736-7 900 MHz | |
SRB | N? | ||
SUI | N? | Band not available: Used by defence systems and fixed services | |
SVK | L*! | For PMSE available only from 7138 MHz to 7195 MHz. Frequency band is used by others applications or services | |
SVN | L*! | Sharing FS P-P with PMSE under consideration | |
TUR | N*! | Band not available: planned for other services | |
UKR | L* | 7-7.85 GHz and 8.025-8.5 GHz | |
C8 10.0-10.68 GHz | ALB | Y* | |
AND | Y? | ||
AUT | L*! | Only parts of the band for events available | |
AZE | L*! | Different parts are restricted | |
BEL | L* | 10.56-10.588 GHz | |
BIH | Y* | Available for SAP/SAB and ENG/OB. Temporary agreement instead of full license | |
BUL | L? | ECC Report 219. Available for Cordless Cameras, Portable video links and Temporary point-to-point video link in band 10.00-10.15 GHz | |
CYP | Y* | ||
CZE | L* | Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Part PV-P/13/07.2022-8: Available band 10–10.3 GHz | |
D | L*! | Basic parameters: frequency range: 10.4-10.68 GHz; max. channel bandwidth: 56 MHz; max. radiated power: 10 kW e.i.r.p. For 10.6-10.68 GHz: power restrictions depending on elevation angle. Detailed information: ->VVnömL | |
DNK | L* | 10.15-10.45 GHz and 10.5-10.68 GHz only | |
E | L! | SAP/SAB fixed/mobile video links in the frequency band 10-10.5 GHz | |
EST | L* | 10.3-10.45 GHz SAP/SAB links. See Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. | |
F | N? | Not available (Radiolocation, Aeronautical and fixed service usages) | |
FIN | L* | Unidirectional video links including ENG/OB radio links in the frequencies 10.015, 10.075, 10.135, and 10.427 GHz. The frequencies 10.045 GHz and 10.105 GHz are common channels throughout Finland | |
G | L*! | 10.300-10.360 GHz. Technology and application neutral but typically used for video links. Maximum in-band e.r.p. 40 dBW | |
GRC | Y*! | 10-10.6 GHz: Cordless cameras. 10.25-10.68 GHz Temporary point-to-point video link - maximum e.i.r.p. 40dBW and max power at the Antenna Input -3dBW | |
HNG | Y* | Cordless cameras: Individual license; Max. antenna input power: -3 dBW. detailed description in paragraph 2.7 of Annex 3 of Decree No. 7/2015 (XI.13.)NMHH on the national frequency allocation and the rules of using frequency bands (Amended by Decree No. 2/2016 (II.26.)NMHH effective as of 5 March 2016) | |
HRV | N? | ||
I | Y* | ||
IRL | L* | 16 x 10 MHz bandwidth channels available in the range 10.3-10.5 GHz. Maximum permissible e.r.p.: 5W Airborne use is permitted | |
ISL | L? | This band used for Fixed links. PMSE video links could be permitted | |
LIE | Y* | Band 10.0-10.6 GHz for cordless cameras: channelling of 7 and 14 MHz and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . Band 10.0-10.68 GHz for Video links: channelling of 7 and 14 MHz; 10.0-10.6 GHz: max. 40 dBW e.i.r.p. and 10.6-10.68 GHz: max. -3 dBW. For more information: | |
LTU | Y* | individual licence required | |
LUX | Y* | ||
LVA | L* | Frequency Band: 10-10.15 GHz | |
MDA | Y? | ||
MKD | N? | ||
MLT | L* | PMSE devices are allowed to operate in the frequency bands: 10.21-10.45 GHz & 10.5-10.68 GHz. Technical conditions are established at the licence application stage. | |
MNE | L* | ||
NOR | Y* | ||
POL | L*! | Granting a license requires military approval. Range 10.3-10.45 GHz is only in military usage | |
POR | Y* | License always required | |
ROU | L*! | Civil use in the bands 10.15 -10.3 GHz and 10.5 - 10.68 GHz; shared use with defense systems in the 10.0 - 10.15 GHz and 10.3 - 10.5 GHz bands | |
S | N? | ||
SRB | Y* | ||
SUI | Y* | Band 10.0-10.6 GHz for cordless cameras: channelling of 7 and 14 MHz and max. 4 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . Band 10.0-10.68 GHz for Video links: channelling of 7 and 14 MHz; 10.0-10.6 GHz: max. 40 dBW e.i.r.p. and 10.6-10.68 GHz: max. -3 dBW. For more information: | |
SVK | L*! | For PMSE available only from 10300 MHz to 10500 MHz. Frequency band is used by others applications or services | |
SVN | L*! | For temporary usage in non-assigned bands | |
TUR | N? | Band not available: planned for other services | |
UKR | N? | ||
C9 21.2-24.5 GHz | ALB | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22-23.6 GHz and 24-24.5 GHz |
AND | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz and 22-23.6 GHz | |
AUT | L*! | Only parts of the band for events available | |
AZE | L*! | Different parts are restricted | |
BEL | L* | 21.2-23.6 GHz | |
BIH | L* | SAP/SAB and ENG/OB as per ERC/REC 25-10 (21.20-21.40; 22-23.6; 24-24.05 etc) | |
BUL | L? | Available for Cordless Cameras and Temporary point-to-point video link in band 21.2-21.4 GHz | |
CYP | L* | 21.2-23.6 GHz and 24-24.5 GHz | |
CZE | L* | Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Part PV-P/16/04.2018-4: Available bands are 21.2-21.4 GHz (for temporary use), 21.4–22 GHz, 22.592–22.704 GHz, 24,25–24,5 GHz | |
D | L* | Basic parameters: frequency range: 21.203-21.679 GHz; max. channel bandwidth: 56 MHz; max. transmission power: 100 mW; max. radiated power: 1000 W. Detailed information: ->VVnömL | |
DNK | L? | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22.6-23 GHz, and 24.25-24.5 GHz only | |
E | L! | SAP/SAB and ENG/OB fixed/mobile video links in the frequency band 21.2-21.4 GHz | |
EST | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz SAP/SAB links. See Regulation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 21.05.2017 No 54. Otherwise fixed links. | |
F | N? | Not available (Fixed service and Radio astronomy usages) | |
FIN | L* | 21.2–21.4 GHz and 22.6–23.0 GHz ENG/OB radio links and monitoring cameras | |
G | L*! | 24.25-24.50 GHz. Technology and application neutral but typically used for video links. Maximum in-band e.r.p. 40 dBW | |
GRC | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz Cordless Cameras. 22.6-23.6 GHz and 24.25-24.5 GHz: Cordless Cameras and Temporary point-to-point video link | |
HNG | L* | Cordless camera: 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22.6-23 GHz, 24.25-24.5 GHz; individual license; conditions based on ERC/REC 25-10. detailed description in paragraph 2.9 of Annex 3 of Decree No. 7/2015 (XI.13.)NMHH on the national frequency allocation and the rules of using frequency bands (Amended by Decree No. 2/2016 (II.26.)NMHH effective as of 5 March 2016) | |
HOL | L* | Only the bands 21.2-21.4 MHz and 22.6-23.15 GHz | |
HRV | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 24-24.5 GHz | |
I | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22.768–23.150 GHz, | |
IRL | L* | The band 22.0-22.6 GHz and 23.0-23.6 GHz is potentially available for video PMSE licensing under ComReg's point-to-point licensing scheme, available at: . Of further note, 24.00-24.25 GHz is also available in Ireland on a licence exempt basis for non-specific purposes, with a maximum e.i.r.p. of 100 mW | |
ISL | L? | This band used for Fixed links. PMSE video links could be permitted | |
LIE | L* | Band A: 21.20-21.40 GHz, Band B: 24.25-24.50 GHz, Band C: 21.40-22.00 GHz, Band D: 24.25-24.50 GHz. Available band A and B: Channelling of 7, 10, 14 and 20 MHz and Max. 20 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . Available band C and D: max 100 kW e.i.r.p. | |
LTU | Y* | individual licence required | |
LUX | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22-23.6 GHz and 24-24.5 GHz | |
LVA | L* | Frequency Band: 21,2-21,4 GHz; 22,6 - 23 GHz; 24,25 - 24,5 GHz | |
MDA | Y? | 21.2-23.6 GHz and 24-24.5 GHz | |
MKD | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22-23.6 GHz and 24-24.5 GHz | |
MLT | L* | PMSE devices are allowed to operate within the frequency band 21.2-23.6 & 24.25-24.5 GHz. Technical conditions are established at the licence application stage | |
MNE | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22-23.6 GHz and 24-24.5 GHz | |
NOR | L* | ||
POL | L*! | Granting a license requires military approval (concerning shared range) | |
POR | N? | Not available | |
ROU | L*! | In the bands 21.2-22 GHz, 22.6-23 GHz and 24-24.25 GHz | |
S | N? | ||
SRB | L* | 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22-23.6 GHz and 24-24.5 GHz | |
SUI | L* | Band A: 21.20-21.40 GHz, Band B: 24.25-24.50 GHz, Band C: 21.40-22.00 GHz, Band D: 24.25-24.50 GHz. Available band A and B: Channelling of 7, 10, 14 and 20 MHz and Max. 20 W e.i.r.p. For more information: . Available band C and D: max 100 kW e.i.r.p. | |
SVK | N? | No demand for PMSE applications in frequency band 21.2-24.5 GHz | |
SVN | L*! | 21.2-23.6 GHz and 24.05-24.5 GHz: Available for PMSE 23.6-24.05 GHz not available | |
TUR | L? | Depend on the conditions in the application form. 22-23.6 GHz frequency band has high fixed link usages | |
UKR | L* | 21.2-23.6 GHz |