This Recommendation sets out the CEPT position on common spectrum which can be designated for Short Range Devices (SRD) applications and is a reference document to assist in preparing national spectrum regulations. In using this Recommendation, it should be remembered that it represents the most widely accepted position within the CEPT but it should not be assumed that all entries within this Recommendation are available for SRD in all countries. Variations between this Recommendation and national spectrum usage restrictions are indicated in Appendix 1 and Appendix 3. The CEPT administrations are encouraged to regularly update and complete the appendix 1 and 3 through requests to change or direct changes to EFIS. Moreover, many administrations have designated additional spectrum on a national basis for SRD applications. It is advisable therefore to verify spectrum regulations in EFIS for the relevant CEPT administration(s) and/or by contacting the relevant national administration. If any discrepancies in Appendix 1 or 3 of this Recommendation are identified this should be brought to the attention of the ECO ([email protected]).
The position set out in this Recommendation is subject to continuous review.
Manufacturers and designers should consider that SRD operate in a shared spectrum environment and there is the potential for interference from other radio equipment. This should be taken into account in the design and manufacture of SRD.
This Recommendation is also electronically available in the EFIS database link.
For the CEPT country codes used in this Recommendation see link.
CEPT has adopted this Recommendation to deal with Short Range Devices and ETSI has developed European harmonised standards (HS) in support of the RE Directive for the majority of these devices.
The term “Short Range Device” (SRD) is intended to cover radio equipment which has a low capability to cause interference. The use of SRD is usually covered by general / non-exclusive authorisations on a non-protected, non-interference basis. SRD applications are not a “radiocommunication service” as defined by the ITU Radio Regulations in Article 1.
This Recommendation describes the spectrum usage requirements for SRD applications including the designated frequency bands, maximum radiated power/ field strength levels etc., channel spacing or modulation / maximum occupied bandwidth and duty cycle.
The conditions provided in the Annexes also apply for the use of SRD on-board aircraft, if such use is not explicitly excluded or restricted by sector-specific regulations in Recommendation 70-03 or other regulations. CEPT does not address aviation safety aspects. Aircraft operators, manufacturers and aircraft owners should consult the relevant national or regional aviation regulatory bodies before installing and using SRD devices on board aircraft. See also the explanatory document FM(23)034 Annex 32 related to non-professional Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) use under general authorisations (link).
Some Annexes may also contain information for Short Range Devices where individual licenses may be required on a national basis.
The following Annexes define the regulatory usage restrictions for SRD applications. References are given to applicable ETSI HS which specify technical characteristics and methods of measurement to demonstrate compliance of radio equipment with the Essential Requirements of the RE Directive, to allow placing of a product on the market.
Appendix 2 covers the relevant ECC/ERC Decisions and ECC/ERC Reports, ETSI standards and EC Decisions.
For countries having implemented the RE Directive further details can be found on the Office web sites (link).
The text of the RE Directive can be found (link).
Some SRD applications in this Recommendation are also subject to EU harmonisation measures implemented by EC Decisions, including Decision 2006/771/EC (and its amendments) and Decision 2018/1538/EU (and its amendments). These applications are identified by a footnote under “Additional Information” in the relevant Annex which also mentions any derogations. A list of relevant EC Decisions can be found in Appendix 2.
In accordance with relevant EC Decisions, Member States of the EU / EFTA may allow, at national level, equipment to operate under more permissive conditions than those specified in that EC Decision.
This Recommendation is intended to assist in the identification of frequencies and other regulatory parameters in CEPT member countries for the use (putting into service) of SRD. It is not intended to restrict the free movement of products within the EU / EEA and EFTA.
In accordance with Commission Decision 2000/299/EC radio equipment within the scope of the RE Directive falls into one of two classes as follows:
Class 1 - Radio equipment that can be used without any additional national restrictions in the EU, EEA and EFTA. According to Article 8.1(b) of the RE Directive, it is clarified that no national radio interface specification is required to be notified to the European Commission.
Class 2 - Radio equipment subject to restrictions on use in one or more of the EU, EEA and EFTA countries, where either:
the technical usage parameters are not harmonised throughout the EU, EEA and EFTA; or
the technical usage parameters are harmonised throughout EU, EEA and EFTA but do not fall within the above definition of class 1 radio equipment.
Information on RE Directive radio equipment classes is available on the EC website as well as in the EFIS database (link).
"The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations,
that SRDs in general operate in shared bands and are not permitted to cause harmful interference to radio services;
that in general SRD cannot claim protection from interference caused by radiocommunication services as defined by ITU;
that due to the increasing use of SRD for a growing number of applications it is necessary to harmonise frequencies and regulations for these devices to allow an economy of scale and improve efficiency for users;
that there is a need to distinguish between distinct categories of SRD applications;
that additional applications and associated annexes will be added as necessary;
that maintenance of Appendices 1 and 3 and also the related cross-references in the Annexes may be undertaken by administrations or the ECO within EFIS, based on information from administrations;
that information about the use of SRD in each country, in addition to those covered in this Recommendation, can be obtained by contacting the relevant national administration;
that for those countries implementing the provisions of this Recommendation, national restrictions in respect of the annexes can be found in Appendix 3;
that applications for certain SRD within this Recommendation are also subject to Commission Implementing Decisions
that technical parameters in this Recommendation may differ from those in the Commission Implementing Decision, e.g. due to differences in document update cycles, etc;
that ETSI develops harmonised European standard(s), that may be cited in the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Union.
that CEPT administrations implement the parameters in accordance with the Annexes in this Recommendation;
that equipment intended to be used across borders should not exceed the technical parameters contained in the Annexes of this Recommendation;
that CEPT administrations should allow visitors from other countries to carry and use their equipment temporarily without any further formalities unless there are national restrictions as shown in Appendix 3."